Nature Programmes Spawning Fulfilling Careers

Sometimes we see a trailer for a tv programme that inspires us to watch the show and get into the spirit of the subject.  The latest to grab me has been the bbc’s autumn watch – it must be in it’s 7th or 8th year now and the idea has been expanded to watches in the other seasons too.   They have spawned many a career – youngsters who enjoyed the early series now opting for a career choice in natural sciences.  For the first time in years, it made me regret never having shown a great deal of interest in the natural sciences – I’ve been more of an office based bod and only recently started appreciating the outside world when taking a relative’s dogs out regularly.  The e-learning courses out there so good for building that bridge towards a career in forestry, arborial culture, animal husbandry etc. etc.  The world is a much better place for the provision of online learning courses!