Posts by Mike Jones

Business Meetings Online Via Video Calls

I used to work with a lady who ran her own ‘virtual secretary’ business.  This was very much in the...

Nature Programmes Spawning Fulfilling Careers

Sometimes we see a trailer for a tv programme that inspires us to watch the show and get into the...

Offsite E-Learning Embellishes By Degrees

When you’re young and easily impressed by friends at school or perhaps one particular teacher, it is easy to fall...

Creatively Servicing For The Modern Business

There are so many calls on our time and money these days.  usiness Iformation services and creative business agencies were...

Shift From Training Teams To Mandatory Online Courses

When I was working in a civil service post – in an ever changing Ministry, there was a shift over...

Latest Headline Grabber v Custom Designed E-Learning Tool

There are so many different kinds of training courses out there these days that sometimes it is hard to gauge...

Entrepreneuers Make Good With Creative Business Solutions

A creative business solution is one that takes all the elements of a smal business and combines the service offered...

Web Enhanced Multi Discipline Medical Courses

When  you have a really good career that is busy, life enhancing, embracing and challenging, there are often times when...

Grade Improving E-Courses Inspire The Teens

There can surely be no nicer sound than that of happy, content, well behaved and busy children!  I love it...

E-Learning & Highering The Education Brings Career Blessings

To get to a certain point in your working life where you can say, yes, I have achieved what I...