Creative Arts & Design Education Is Win Win

When  you look down a list of educational, certificate, diploma and degree courses available to students in the UK, there is a fantastic and somewhat bewildering choice.  Take just one heading for example: computer and mathematical sciences – now this in itself contains five sub topics, all with qualifications to be gained incuding Computers, Sciences and all inbetween.  Another fascinating heading is creative arts and design which includes art, art administration, fashion & textile design, graphic desig, interior design, music, non indusrial design, as well as theatre & drama studies.  Well with that gammut available, in just two areas, it seems unbelievable there’s ayone left out there who’s disatisfied with their lot.  I recall going past a well known theatre in London – I used to walk past it every day to the office;  they always had madcap shows advertised, my work cohort and I often spent a fab lunch hour watching students rehearse and prepare.  Now that sort of vocational course must be brilliant for th student not sure how they fit in to this very odd world!